“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all”

Monday was the first day of classes.  Well, it was the first day of two of my classes.

While in London we are studying at Regent’s University, which is located right inside Regent’s Park on a gorgeous campus. Between classes, I had a little break to walk around Regent’s Park, so I took all of the photos in this post on that walk.

Let me tell you something – the British garden game is strong. Every single park has the most beautiful landscaping, and Regent’s Park is no exception. The tremendous rainfall doesn’t hurt, but I suspect extensive time and talent also play roles. I realize they’re famous for this, but it’s distractingly impressive.

Monday was rainy and rather gloomy, but you don’t come to the UK for the weather. I’m here for school… and adventure.

  Here’s the thing about school – I have been out of it for a long time. I had several people ask me if I was nervous before my first class, and I guess I wasn’t. It’s just figuring out what changes need to happen in my mindset and preparation. It seems like every aspect of my life has changed rather abruptly, so shifting gears into “school mode” is just part of the deal.

I do enjoy reading and learning, so that’s a plus. It would be easy in a program like this to focus solely on the travel aspects, but honestly the education component was the draw for me.

  So far classes are interesting and comprised of a diverse group of folks, both in background and nationalities. The topics seem to be a good balance of historic context and current events.

  I think I’m most struck by the use of technology in the classroom – this is dating myself, but when I was in undergrad, it was heavily based in physical paper. Now, everything is online, and that makes some things easier.

  Being able to click a button and create an accurate bibliography from my collected sources is amazing. But sometimes you just want to hold a book in your hands. I’m curious to see how many of the traditional research methods I end up using.

  Most likely these kids will teach me something about their new-fangled ways, though I’m not kidding that one of my classmates revealed he was in 1st grade on Sept. 11, 2001. He did have the good grace to say it sheepishly though, so there’s that. At the end of the day, it’s just exciting to have an excuse to use school supplies again.

  I’m staying in a little apartment near Notting Hill in a student housing block for the 8 weeks we’re here. It’s small but serviceable, and I have a kitchenette of my very own. The apartment is about 30 minutes from class by bus or Tube, so it’s easy to get around.

Title quote: Emily Dickinson (314)

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